Thursday, April 29, 2004

This is ridiculous. Stupid jacob connexion rescheduled my interview again (fri 10am), buncha retards.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Wow, it's been pretty non-stop since sch ended. The majority of my time has been spent at kung fu, eating, sleeping and shopping. On mon, I went to wem to hand out resumes and time square gave me an interview on the spot but I didn't catch the guy's name... not good.. jacob connexion set up an interview when I dropped off my resume, when I got home roots called and gave me a pre-interview then set up an actual interview. So I was sposed to have two interviews tues (roots 11:30, jacob connexion 3pm). Luckily, I decided to head home after the roots interview instead of bumming around the mall till 3 cause at 1:30 jacob connexion called and rescheduled my interview for thurs 4pm. I'm not too impressed with jacob connexion. I really want the time square job so what I need to do is figure out the guy's name so I can call on fri and ask if he made his decision yet.
we'll buy a lot of clothes but we don't really need em
things we buy to cover up what's inside

Monday, April 26, 2004

So let's talk about a certain fashion trend, the collar up. It seems that so many boys are flipping their jacket and shirt collars up, I wonder if any one of them has stopped to think who started the collar up? Well, I have; it's Dracula. Think about it. Later days.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Hey guys. It's been 3 whole days of summer vacation. What have I been up to? Besides major fights with the folks I've been doing a lot of shopping, eating, and quite a bit of kung fu in preparation for the tournament this sat. Wish me luck. I've also spent quite a bit of time writing my resume, asking ppl for references and it seems to be going pretty well. Hope I get a good job this time around. Later days.

Friday, April 23, 2004

everything changes
everything falls apart
can't stop to feel myself losing control
I'm gonna put this out there even though no one will be able relate. I just want whoever is interested to get a glimpse into how I'm feeling right now. I must be a horrible person because the people who are supposed to love me most hate who I am. So I know you're probably thinking "oh that joanne, always getting into fights with her parents" but there has to be a reason as to why I cannot carry on a conversation for longer than 5 minutes without getting into a fight with my mom. I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way during the 18 yrs I've lived, my mom turned into the person I most admired into the person who frustrates me most. I can honestly say my love for her is strictly due to obligation. I know a lot of you who read this will not believe this and just think this is another teenage rebellion, if that's what you believe I can't change your mind but I know what I feel. I know myself better than anyone ever will but one thing I will never know is why everyone has something to say about how I should live my life when no one knows what my life is. I must say I have dangerously low self-esteem, and how can I not with such negativity surrounding me in my home? All I ever wanted was to please my parents but the harder I try, the harder I fall. I may not agree with the reasons for why they hate me, but I hate the person I am. A person who can't control her anger, who tries oh so hard to have her opinions heard even though I know that no one is listening. A person who, evidently, has not learnt from her mistakes and will continue to fight a losing battle.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

life goes fast
it's hard to make the good things last

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Hello all. As most of you know, I gave up pop and fruitopia* for lent. I'm not catholic but Chris inspired me with his quest to give up fast food. (Good job Chris!) Anyway, I'm proud to say I succeeded and as soon as exams are over, olia and myself are going to give up chocolate... I'm going to give it up, olia's gonna try..... Lent is 40 days so we're attempting a mere 20 chocolate-free days. Pray for us.

Although I usually had pop almost every day, I think chocolate's gonna be harder. Even though I don't eat that much chocolate, the cravings are a lot stronger so..... we'll see how it goes. Back to studyin I guess.... later days!

*I really only wanted to give up pop but since Chris was giving up fast food, it made it look kinda slacker-ish so I threw in fruitopia as well. Not apple juice nor five alive, etc. Also, I'm not even catholic so I didn't appreciate being nagged.

Monday, April 12, 2004

So I decided not to be a slacker and I now have a full course load next yr. This means there are way too many spots to fill with classes I don't really need for my third yr... so I've made a potentially life altering decision. I'm taking all the required prereqs for optometry and applying at the end of my second yr.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

In case anyone cares, this is the phone I want, it's not out in canada yet... z600

If it doesn't come out by the time my phone contract runs out, my back up phone is z200
People have already started disappearing... it's like a black hole engulfs all students for exam time, only to spit them back out afterwards.

I know I should be studying but all I can think about is how great this summer's gonna be. I do have to get a job but hopefully I can get out of the food/drink business and I'll be content. I just really hate smelling like what I sell. Why do I need a job? Because I'm 18 and have horrible spending habits. It's almost time for a new phone and I have decided that I want a camera flip phone which will undoubtedly cost me quite the pretty penny.

So it's been 8 months of univ and I am in the worst shape of my life. This summer is gonna be a lot of rollerblading, basketball, badminton, and pilates. All a part of operation revolution. It seems I lost my rollerblades when I moved... or they're somewhere amidst the other forgotten items in my basement; they weren't that nice so I will take this as an opportunity to buy new ones. (See what I mean about spending habits?)

Mission: Ab Attack
I think the name is pretty self-explanatory; this is the first mission of operation revolution and it begins mon.
one set entails: 60 crunches, 20 side crunches per side, 20 leg lifts, 20 burnouts
3 sets a day, 3 days a week (mon, wed, sat)

Friday, April 09, 2004

Finals are fast approaching, I've been reading over my chem notes since sunday but I can honestly say I do not feel any smarter. I'm so sick of chem now, as soon as I feel like I understand a concept I try to do a question and all my confidence is inevitably shattered. Must focus on bio tomorrow, turns out I haven't taken any notes since the second midterm... that leaves me about 200 slides behind. The currently neglected subjects: stat and eng.. no real studying to do for eng but I do plan on reading some old pieces just to get my mind running; all I really have to do for stat is read over the notes, no practice final from my prof which is pretty stupid.

These upcoming couple weeks can be really stressful on a lot of students. I end up ignoring anyone who does not go to univ. Sometimes I get really bummed out about how much I have to do in the short amount of time I have. To make things worse, everyone else is basically in the same position. You'd think that would mean more people to relate to but everyone ends up being really high speed at everything they do and no one really wants to slow down to talk to anyone. Final week(s) end up being a time when I feel like I don't really have any friends, everyone either becomes a study buddy or, worse, just disappears off the face of the planet. Maybe it's better this way, less distractions. Every once in a while though, I remember something a friend did or said and it saves me; I just sit there smiling like a total retard thinkin of the time. Then I realize, you're gonna fail if you don't get back to studyin and that wipes the smile off my face but the point is that retarded moment is great and I thank anyone who has ever given me one of them.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Ahoy hoy. What a beautiful day, sure the only exposure to the great outdoors I've had today was when I was walking to the bus stop but still. Today is a pretty good day despite nothing out of the ordinary occuring, it probably has somethin to do with the fact that I actually got some studyin done as opposed to the weekend which I basically pissed away by watching bad tv and eating lots...

Today also marks the beginning of operation revolution. Back fat was a major failure; what makes revolution different? So far, nothing. I just think the name is more motivational rather than ridiculing. Operation revolution's major objective is to get myself into good shape for the tournament. Also, it can apply to non-physical aspects. This summer is going to be four months for me and I intend to use it to its fullest. I do have to waste quite a bit of it working but that's so I can support my brandwhore-ish spending habits. Revolution should entitle things such as getting out to a park, barbecues, rollerblading and all that fun summer related stuff. I really can't wait till school's over.... in the mean time, I should get back to studying. Better days.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

April is upon us. In less than twenty days, I will be nearly stress free. I'm not sure if anyone's noticed, but I think my blogs are getting shorter and shorter and this has been happening because I feel like I've said everything I need to say. So let's just take a look at what's goin on this month.

7th: last day of classes
14th-21st: my exams... not exactly sure on the official univ exam days

The important thing is apr 21, 11ish. At this time, you may now approach me with confidence that I am more likely to actually be listening to you talk.