Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wow, I have not posted in a looooong time. I probably don't feel the motivation to since no one keeps up with their blogs. *cough*BO and JUSTINE*cough* Since I last blogged, I survived a hell-ish exam week. I don't know why, but this semester's midterms drained a lot out of me.

Luckily I had spring break to look forward to. Went home for a week, and I must re-iterate my feelings from november break that one week is just not enough. I feel like people this time around were much more busy during the week so there were a couple days that were practically wasted sitting at home watching tv; this was followed by a weekend that was jam packed with as much as I could fit into the days before I had to head back to boston.

I've been back for a week and although it hasn't been the worst week of my life, it definitely was rough. Every little thing that could go wrong seemed to do just that. It started out with being "randomly selected" for a full search at the airport. I can't say I appreciated being pat down, it was quite violating actually. Then on the flight from edm to minneapolis, I sat next to an obnoxious 9 yr old girl who would not stop talking; from minneapolis to boston, I sat in front of a baby who would not stop crying.

To welcome me back to school, I had an 8am integrative seminar class which is the stupidest thing I have ever been required to do to school. Not even organic chemistry could hold onto this honour in the face of Dr. Denial. She is the most ridiculous person I have ever met and I cannot fathom how it is she got to the position of power she is in, here at the school. Think of the most artsy fartsy class you ever took in which you wanted to puke every time that self-righteous poli sci major spoke as if he could fix the entire world's problems in an entry level class at the U of A and you will be imagining something that is a small fraction of how much I hate Dr. Denial.

By now you must have either stopped reading or be thinking this rant of mine has to be over soon. And it is, with the worst thing to happen all week... drumroll please... I lost my D&G sunglasses on friday. I know it's just a material possession but you should know by now that I place high regard in superficial things and if that doesn't yank any sympathy out of you, then take into consideration that my mom gave them to me as a congrats for getting into optometry present just before I left for boston.