2 weeks until I'm home! I feel like a broken record, but here it is: I CAN'T WAIT! There's something about the tackiness of the "world's largest" mall (and cowboy boot) about edmonton that is irreplacable. It's absolutely surreal here, we see the same ppl everyday and life in boston basically equals optometry for me. There's no way to escape it, I go to sch, eat, study, sleep, live and breathe optometry. 99% of my friends in boston are from my school so even when I'm just hangin out, talk of amblyopia (and other equally as nerdy topics) pop up. Luckily, I really like optom (I'm amazed at how much actually). I guess my mom was right.. *shudder*
Even so, I still need breaks away from it. Sometimes, it's hard to realize that even though optom will be my career, it's not my whole life. And I think a trip home is gonna do just that. Seeing my family and friends will remind me of who I am, the values that have been instilled in me which have been kept intact thus far. I haven't been corrupted by living alone just yet. That probably has something to do with the fact that I'm not legal drinking age here though.. but I'm gonna go ahead and take credit for it anyway.
I got all my midterm marks back and I'm happy with them for the most part, I know what I need to keep doing and what things I need to change to do better. Missin you all, counting the days until i'm with the ones I love.