2006 has been a great year, it started at a bar called the globe and it will end there. We've decided to ring in 2007 in similar fashion. Although I doubt anything will ever top that night. Other memorable moments in january included my 20th bday, the drunkest I have ever been. I got kicked out of the club at 1230 and proceeded to spend quite a while sitting up against the wall and throwing up sporadically.
In february, I got accepted into optometry and it felt as if my life was finally on track. I'd had some hard times in undergrad, but my 3rd year was great. I had never planned to get my bachelor of science and I was relieved to finally escape. At that time in my life, I was sick of Edmonton. I'd spent 20 yrs in this town, and we'd come to call it "hick capital of the world." Many days were spent plotting our escape from the only place we'd ever known.
The end of april also marked the end of my time at the Univ of Alberta. Sort of. I continued working for one of my psych profs, it was the best job I've had so far. It paid $14.15/hr and it was super easy, we ran experiments and entered data into excel. I also got a job at lids which paid much much less. But I figured it was only fitting to work retail one last time in my life. The summer passed by; I spent as much time as I could hanging out with friends.
Suddenly, I didn't want to go. My great escape was causing me more and more anxiety as my lazy summer days dwindled. I felt like I'd just figured out undergrad only to have to leave it behind. I listened to a lot of dashboard, and told myself it was a rite of passage to be away from all that was familiar to me.
My brother, Stephen, went to Malaysia to fight in an international kung fu competition. He was gone for basically all of august and I wanted to spend a few days with him before I left for boston but Barbara McGinley insisted that I be in town for saturday sept 2nd orientation even though school didn't officially start till tuesday sept 5th. I still haven't forgiven her for the days I missed. Needless to say, I was miserable. Sitting in my tiny apartment, in a new city where I didn't know anyone.
I didn't stay miserable though. Once school got underway, I had less time to be homesick. But I could still see the streets of edmonton very vividly in my mind every time I closed my eyes. I grew to love optometry and was actually kind of freaked out that I liked school/my future career so much. I lucked out, I went into it for the wrong reasons: money, status, to shut my mom up. I'm doing very well academically, I get more sleep than I ever did in undergrad and the material comes easier to me. The only thing is we're in class for more of the day. Other than that, it's basically a walk in the park.
I went back home for a week in november during american thanksgiving break and it was exactly what I needed. I returned to boston totally refreshed and much less homesick knowing that I had less than a month until christmas break. Truthfully, it was very hard to leave and the only way I could do it without breaking down into tears was looking forward to christmas. This year, I took my love of christmas to another level.
The first challenge 2007 will bring is leaving my home knowing that I won't be back for 5 months. All I can do is spend the rest of my week with the people who've made me who I am.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
First off, if you're planning on seeing The Good Shepherd starring Matt Damon, DON'T DO IT! Save your money and 3 hours of your life. This is probably the first movie that I've had a very insistent voice in my head telling me to walk out. I didn't, but only because I paid $11 to see it. It is intensely boring, there is absolutely no suspense throughout the entire movie. I can't stress this enough, don't see this movie. I know it looks decent in the trailers, that fooled me too, but don't make the same mistake I did.
OK, now that that's out of the way... I had a busy day today, we went for dim sum with some aunts and uncles, grandma and grandpa. Then out to dinner with a couple optometrists, one who works for my mom's optical and the other is my cousin. Sort of an office christmas/new yr dinner. Afterwards I went clubbing cause it was my friend's bday today. The club wasn't exactly packed, I've had funner nights drinking. But I've also had much worse so it wasn't bad. They should've played more sean paul.. I should've had more to drink... I'm barely buzzed, I only had like 6 drinks (hence the late night blogging), however the up side is I didn't spend a single dollar. People kept buyin me drinks since they hadn't seen me in months. The pros of being away...
OK, now that that's out of the way... I had a busy day today, we went for dim sum with some aunts and uncles, grandma and grandpa. Then out to dinner with a couple optometrists, one who works for my mom's optical and the other is my cousin. Sort of an office christmas/new yr dinner. Afterwards I went clubbing cause it was my friend's bday today. The club wasn't exactly packed, I've had funner nights drinking. But I've also had much worse so it wasn't bad. They should've played more sean paul.. I should've had more to drink... I'm barely buzzed, I only had like 6 drinks (hence the late night blogging), however the up side is I didn't spend a single dollar. People kept buyin me drinks since they hadn't seen me in months. The pros of being away...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
As a materialistic person (and unashamed to admit it), it's now that time of year to take stock of all the things I have acquired over holiday break thus far. For christmas, I got a JL polo and an indoor grill from lana and den, slippers from bo, and a gift certificate from justine. Thanks guys!
Boxing day, I got a few shirts for myself. Although I was very disappointed I didn't get what I really want, lacoste shoes. But don't worry, I won't give up. I shall have new shoes.
Boxing day, I got a few shirts for myself. Although I was very disappointed I didn't get what I really want, lacoste shoes. But don't worry, I won't give up. I shall have new shoes.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
well..... 364 days until my favourite day rolls around once again.
Christmas eve started out with dim sum with the parents; I picked up the lil cousins' christmas presents then went to my grandma's to put them under the tree I put up.
Today, I watched john tucker must die and thank you for smoking. And went to dinner at my cousin's place to celebrate his optometry license coming in the mail. It was a funner day than I thought it would be but still nothing terribly exciting.
Now I must rest up for the physical challenge of endurance and perseverance that is boxing day shopping madness.
well..... 364 days until my favourite day rolls around once again.
Christmas eve started out with dim sum with the parents; I picked up the lil cousins' christmas presents then went to my grandma's to put them under the tree I put up.
Today, I watched john tucker must die and thank you for smoking. And went to dinner at my cousin's place to celebrate his optometry license coming in the mail. It was a funner day than I thought it would be but still nothing terribly exciting.
Now I must rest up for the physical challenge of endurance and perseverance that is boxing day shopping madness.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
After my connecting flight was delayed and I lost 3 hours of my life sitting in the chicago airport, I made it home. And it's been awesome; I've taken a totally different approach. Last time I was back it was only for a week, so I had plans for every day. But this time, I figured with 2 weeks I wouldn't make any plans and just chill. And that's what I've been doing, sitting around and watching bad tv. I love it.
Tonight I went to my grandma's house for turkey dinner and was very disappointed that the artificial tree wasn't up! Apparently my aunt had been busy with work lately, so I basically whined about it like a baby and decided to put it up myself. My uncle helped and I asked my little cousins if they wanted to help me decorate the tree. They were so excited, VERY cute!
Merry Christmas!
Tonight I went to my grandma's house for turkey dinner and was very disappointed that the artificial tree wasn't up! Apparently my aunt had been busy with work lately, so I basically whined about it like a baby and decided to put it up myself. My uncle helped and I asked my little cousins if they wanted to help me decorate the tree. They were so excited, VERY cute!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The countdown to christmas has begun. Thursday night, a few of us went to the christmas tree lighting. It got up to 17C that day, so not exactly your typical christmas weather but it was still awesome. Pics are on facebook if you wanna check 'em out.
Naturally, the beautiful lights inspired me to start up my annual tradition of handing out candycanes at school. I started on fri, dec 1; spreading holiday cheer one candycane at a time.
Of course, the downside to the christmas countdown is it means finals are even faster approaching. Wish me luck, I'll see you all soon in edmonton where the snow makes the weather more holiday appropriate.
Naturally, the beautiful lights inspired me to start up my annual tradition of handing out candycanes at school. I started on fri, dec 1; spreading holiday cheer one candycane at a time.
Of course, the downside to the christmas countdown is it means finals are even faster approaching. Wish me luck, I'll see you all soon in edmonton where the snow makes the weather more holiday appropriate.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Happy thanksgiving to my american friends. This week is almost coming to an end, this is the first time I've been away from home for sch and this trip home was great. I'm glad there's less than a month until I get to come back again. It's so easy for me to slip into the same routines, it feels like I never even left. I basically just have tomorrow left since my flight out is on saturday.
"What have you been doing? I must know for stalking purposes" you say? I wanted to see a move (the prestige) on wed but it wasn't playing.. they had changed the schedule because deja vu came out. So we decided against seein a movie and just walked around, semi-shopping. Then I headed to my grandma's house for a good ol' fashioned family dinner. We have a lot of these if you haven't noticed.
What did I do today? You guessed it, family dinner. It was my grandpa's birthday dinner, I love that my dad's side of the family is so close. It has definitely instilled some values into me that I couldn't imagine myself without. Quite a bit of snow fell today and made the roads extra slippery, and for some strange reason my grandpa chose to be a passenger in my car. (Why couldn't he have gone with one of my aunts or uncles?) Anyway, this made me drive extra careful. The stress of having precious cargo....
"What have you been doing? I must know for stalking purposes" you say? I wanted to see a move (the prestige) on wed but it wasn't playing.. they had changed the schedule because deja vu came out. So we decided against seein a movie and just walked around, semi-shopping. Then I headed to my grandma's house for a good ol' fashioned family dinner. We have a lot of these if you haven't noticed.
What did I do today? You guessed it, family dinner. It was my grandpa's birthday dinner, I love that my dad's side of the family is so close. It has definitely instilled some values into me that I couldn't imagine myself without. Quite a bit of snow fell today and made the roads extra slippery, and for some strange reason my grandpa chose to be a passenger in my car. (Why couldn't he have gone with one of my aunts or uncles?) Anyway, this made me drive extra careful. The stress of having precious cargo....
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm home and it feels so good. Definitely made the right decision to come home, everything is the same yet slightly different.
My flight landed at about 1230 Edmonton time. First thing I did when I got home was eat the food my mom had made me, then I took a nap since I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep.
Went to my grandma's for dinner, then went to see the new bond movie. I really liked it, Daniel Craig did a great job as Bond. And the movie itself wasn't as corny as last time around so that definitely helped.
Today started off with dim sum with the family followed by shopping at e. centre. I bought gloves and a fall jacket.
So there you have it, retroactive stalker.
My flight landed at about 1230 Edmonton time. First thing I did when I got home was eat the food my mom had made me, then I took a nap since I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep.
Went to my grandma's for dinner, then went to see the new bond movie. I really liked it, Daniel Craig did a great job as Bond. And the movie itself wasn't as corny as last time around so that definitely helped.
Today started off with dim sum with the family followed by shopping at e. centre. I bought gloves and a fall jacket.
So there you have it, retroactive stalker.
Monday, November 13, 2006
On a rainy sunday afternoon, I got bored with studying and decided to semi-pack for my trip back home. Basically packed the stuff I don't need here, clothes that I haven't worn, free pens and post-its I've acquired, dvd's that I've since watched many times, etc.
Good thing I'm comin home 'cause I am out of money. (I hate bank of america). Whoever heard of having to wait 4-6 weeks for a check to clear?
Good thing I'm comin home 'cause I am out of money. (I hate bank of america). Whoever heard of having to wait 4-6 weeks for a check to clear?
Friday, November 10, 2006
In a week from now, I'll probably be packing for my trip home! Words cannot express how excited I am. It's right about that time of semester when I could use a break from seeing the same people every day.
A few of us went to the bruins vs. leafs game last night. It was my first time at an nhl hockey game and I had a lot of fun; it was a high scoring game and the leafs won 6-4, so my ontarian friends were happy about that. Now I just need to see an oilers game and my life will be complete.
A few of us went to the bruins vs. leafs game last night. It was my first time at an nhl hockey game and I had a lot of fun; it was a high scoring game and the leafs won 6-4, so my ontarian friends were happy about that. Now I just need to see an oilers game and my life will be complete.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
LESS THAN 2 WEEKS UNTIL I COME HOME! OK, sorry.. that's enough of that...
Post-exams, I find myself actually bored. Like there's not enough to study; if that's not sick, I don't know what is. There was some momentary stress related to my proficiency exam (like a clinical test, they judge us on how "proficient" we are in the skills/tests we've learned how to do so far). And I'm happy to say that I passed with flying colours! This means a lot to me, it's not some dinky cell bio quiz that's worth 1.25% of my mark. This is actually relevant to what I'll be doing in the future. So I guess the "take-home message" (as my TMVT prof would say) is that I'm havin a really good day today.
Lookin forward to many good days in my home town, see you all SOON.
Post-exams, I find myself actually bored. Like there's not enough to study; if that's not sick, I don't know what is. There was some momentary stress related to my proficiency exam (like a clinical test, they judge us on how "proficient" we are in the skills/tests we've learned how to do so far). And I'm happy to say that I passed with flying colours! This means a lot to me, it's not some dinky cell bio quiz that's worth 1.25% of my mark. This is actually relevant to what I'll be doing in the future. So I guess the "take-home message" (as my TMVT prof would say) is that I'm havin a really good day today.
Lookin forward to many good days in my home town, see you all SOON.
Friday, November 03, 2006
2 weeks until I'm home! I feel like a broken record, but here it is: I CAN'T WAIT! There's something about the tackiness of the "world's largest" mall (and cowboy boot) about edmonton that is irreplacable. It's absolutely surreal here, we see the same ppl everyday and life in boston basically equals optometry for me. There's no way to escape it, I go to sch, eat, study, sleep, live and breathe optometry. 99% of my friends in boston are from my school so even when I'm just hangin out, talk of amblyopia (and other equally as nerdy topics) pop up. Luckily, I really like optom (I'm amazed at how much actually). I guess my mom was right.. *shudder*
Even so, I still need breaks away from it. Sometimes, it's hard to realize that even though optom will be my career, it's not my whole life. And I think a trip home is gonna do just that. Seeing my family and friends will remind me of who I am, the values that have been instilled in me which have been kept intact thus far. I haven't been corrupted by living alone just yet. That probably has something to do with the fact that I'm not legal drinking age here though.. but I'm gonna go ahead and take credit for it anyway.
I got all my midterm marks back and I'm happy with them for the most part, I know what I need to keep doing and what things I need to change to do better. Missin you all, counting the days until i'm with the ones I love.
Even so, I still need breaks away from it. Sometimes, it's hard to realize that even though optom will be my career, it's not my whole life. And I think a trip home is gonna do just that. Seeing my family and friends will remind me of who I am, the values that have been instilled in me which have been kept intact thus far. I haven't been corrupted by living alone just yet. That probably has something to do with the fact that I'm not legal drinking age here though.. but I'm gonna go ahead and take credit for it anyway.
I got all my midterm marks back and I'm happy with them for the most part, I know what I need to keep doing and what things I need to change to do better. Missin you all, counting the days until i'm with the ones I love.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Finally done exams! The midterms in most of my classes are non-cumulative so they're worth as much as finals :S
I have to say I'm not a fan of saturday exams, it really messes with my perception of what day it is.
So I finished my last exam yesterday, I went to harvard square to have dinner with a friend. Then we watched a couple movies, Seven with brad pitt and morgan freeman ==> I really liked this movie, it reminded me of what an awesome actor kevin spacey is and brad pitt was lookin very nice as a bonus; we also watched what dreams may come with robin williams, I was NOT impressed! It was super sad, and I basically cried throughout the entire movie. It's not like other sad movies that have certain really sad moments, this was non-stop! Very depressing.
I decided to give myself what was left of my weekend off, so today I went shopping then we decided to cook dinner for each other. I made chicken ceasar salad, kendall made soup, and janice made garlic cheese bread. It was "delish."
We do have class tomorrow so that sucks. But I'm takin tomorrow night off from studyin, we're instituting prison break night. Without my fave character abruzzi, wentworth miller will have to carry the show with his wicked good looks. I haven't seen the show in quite a while, hope it's still good.
I heard it snowed back home so I made stephen send me a couple pics of our neighbourhood blanketed in snow, any additional pics of the city would be greatly appreciated! Please email them to me! The best pic will be my desktop background. I cannot wait to come home!!!! Missin you all, love jo.
I have to say I'm not a fan of saturday exams, it really messes with my perception of what day it is.
So I finished my last exam yesterday, I went to harvard square to have dinner with a friend. Then we watched a couple movies, Seven with brad pitt and morgan freeman ==> I really liked this movie, it reminded me of what an awesome actor kevin spacey is and brad pitt was lookin very nice as a bonus; we also watched what dreams may come with robin williams, I was NOT impressed! It was super sad, and I basically cried throughout the entire movie. It's not like other sad movies that have certain really sad moments, this was non-stop! Very depressing.
I decided to give myself what was left of my weekend off, so today I went shopping then we decided to cook dinner for each other. I made chicken ceasar salad, kendall made soup, and janice made garlic cheese bread. It was "delish."
We do have class tomorrow so that sucks. But I'm takin tomorrow night off from studyin, we're instituting prison break night. Without my fave character abruzzi, wentworth miller will have to carry the show with his wicked good looks. I haven't seen the show in quite a while, hope it's still good.
I heard it snowed back home so I made stephen send me a couple pics of our neighbourhood blanketed in snow, any additional pics of the city would be greatly appreciated! Please email them to me! The best pic will be my desktop background. I cannot wait to come home!!!! Missin you all, love jo.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Hey guys,
I'm not gonna be blogging very frequently for the next couple weeks, midterms start in one week! But I just had an urge to blog about all the little things I miss about home (in no particular order):
colour is spelled with a u
ppl say please and thank you
it's called a zed
hockey night in canada/cbc
not bein made fun of every time i say eh?
the way we pronounce duodenum
it's pop (not soda)
tim horton's even though i don't drink coffee
thanksgiving in october
relatively competent bank tellers
ppl knowing what you mean when you say toque
it's a pylon (not an "orange cone")
I'm not gonna be blogging very frequently for the next couple weeks, midterms start in one week! But I just had an urge to blog about all the little things I miss about home (in no particular order):
colour is spelled with a u
ppl say please and thank you
it's called a zed
hockey night in canada/cbc
not bein made fun of every time i say eh?
the way we pronounce duodenum
it's pop (not soda)
tim horton's even though i don't drink coffee
thanksgiving in october
relatively competent bank tellers
ppl knowing what you mean when you say toque
it's a pylon (not an "orange cone")
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I can't believe it's been a month since I left everything I knew behind in good old Edmonton. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be able to close my eyes without seeing so vividly the streets of Edmonton. Thinking about all the little things I'm missing out on like family dinners, cranium/karoake revolution nights with friends, going to kung fu...
I really like it here, coming into optometry I was worried that maybe I didn't want to do this for the rest of my life. Maybe I was wrong about how much I wanted it then I would be stuck... but luckily I really like what I'm learning. I know it's nerdy to admit that I like school but there it is. Plus all the studyin keeps me from thinking about/missing home too much.
Boston is pretty cool too, Newbury Street is awesome and only a few blocks from my place. I've refrained from doing too much shopping, really trying to get into the poor student mindset but it's still nice to know that everything I could want is on that street from burberry to puma to virgin music. Then there's the mall with neiman marcus, lacoste and gucci just to name a few stores. If only I wasn't paying an obscene amount of money on tuition, I would be set.
I love what I'm doing and where I am but it's completely different from the love I have for my home town, the familiarity of it all. That's not to say I love one more than the other, it's like apples and oranges and I haven't quite figured out how to express it if there is a way to at all.
One month closer to coming home. See you then.
I really like it here, coming into optometry I was worried that maybe I didn't want to do this for the rest of my life. Maybe I was wrong about how much I wanted it then I would be stuck... but luckily I really like what I'm learning. I know it's nerdy to admit that I like school but there it is. Plus all the studyin keeps me from thinking about/missing home too much.
Boston is pretty cool too, Newbury Street is awesome and only a few blocks from my place. I've refrained from doing too much shopping, really trying to get into the poor student mindset but it's still nice to know that everything I could want is on that street from burberry to puma to virgin music. Then there's the mall with neiman marcus, lacoste and gucci just to name a few stores. If only I wasn't paying an obscene amount of money on tuition, I would be set.
I love what I'm doing and where I am but it's completely different from the love I have for my home town, the familiarity of it all. That's not to say I love one more than the other, it's like apples and oranges and I haven't quite figured out how to express it if there is a way to at all.
One month closer to coming home. See you then.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
What a night. Some guys at the school decided to have a kegger at their house last night and it was a lot more fun than I had anticipated. I spilled a lot of beer on myself and would've felt really embarassed if I had been sober enough to have feelings. We left at roughly 3am and decided we needed to get some pizza, the place had just closed moments before we arrived and a couple guys who had also been turned away in their desparate hour of need told us about another pizza place not too far away. So off we went roaming the streets of boston with only one goal in mind (greasy pizza) following a couple guys whose names we never bothered to find out. We did however find out that they were exchange students at m.i.t. One was from france and the other from germany. And I think we all know how a guy with an accent ups his hotness quotient exponentially. I just love nights that yield interesting stories, even if they come at the cost of studying for an optics quiz.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Wow, I hadn't realized how long it's been since I blogged. As some of you know, I don't have internet so I am now writing a blog in the school's library while fellow students study a few feet away. It makes me feel like a slacker but that's ok.
The past couple weeks have for the most part been awesome, my earlier prediction that I would be miserable for all of september has been shattered. The weather here (except for a few rainy days) has been mostly really good, it's hard to be mad at the world when the sun is shining. I obviously miss everyone back home, and it's the little things... like knowing that family dinners are happening without you. Friends are changing, growing, becoming who they are while you are away. It's hard to think that so much will have happened before I get back for christmas.
At the same time, I'm growing to love (and hate) some of my classmates. To think that these 110 ppl will be the ones I see basically every day for 4 years is mind-boggling. What's really bizarre about it is having to adjust my mindframe just a bit because not only are these ppl my classmates, but they will be my colleagues in the future. It forces you to be a bit more mature about things. I try not to talk about anyone behind their back about the petty little things... we'll see how long that lasts.
Sometimes I feel like I'm living two lives, one back home and the one I'm currently living here in Boston. The city (or what little I've seen of it) is really growing on me. I love having my own place even if it is the tiniest, dinkiest place I've ever lived. Being allowed to have this freedom is great, it'll probably be even better once I turn 21...
I can still envision the streets of edmonton very clearly when I close my eyes. Miss you all, try not to do anything too awesome while I'm gone. I don't wanna miss a thing.
The past couple weeks have for the most part been awesome, my earlier prediction that I would be miserable for all of september has been shattered. The weather here (except for a few rainy days) has been mostly really good, it's hard to be mad at the world when the sun is shining. I obviously miss everyone back home, and it's the little things... like knowing that family dinners are happening without you. Friends are changing, growing, becoming who they are while you are away. It's hard to think that so much will have happened before I get back for christmas.
At the same time, I'm growing to love (and hate) some of my classmates. To think that these 110 ppl will be the ones I see basically every day for 4 years is mind-boggling. What's really bizarre about it is having to adjust my mindframe just a bit because not only are these ppl my classmates, but they will be my colleagues in the future. It forces you to be a bit more mature about things. I try not to talk about anyone behind their back about the petty little things... we'll see how long that lasts.
Sometimes I feel like I'm living two lives, one back home and the one I'm currently living here in Boston. The city (or what little I've seen of it) is really growing on me. I love having my own place even if it is the tiniest, dinkiest place I've ever lived. Being allowed to have this freedom is great, it'll probably be even better once I turn 21...
I can still envision the streets of edmonton very clearly when I close my eyes. Miss you all, try not to do anything too awesome while I'm gone. I don't wanna miss a thing.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
In this past week, I've been on an emotional rollercoaster. I think everyone knows what a baby I was being having to leave home. I was breaking down in the couple days I was alone, and I needed my dad to come help me settle in. It made me feel a lot better and in the past summer we had grown distant, this past week especially the first couple days during which I was feeling vulnerable allowed me to open up communication with my dad again and express some of the things I was trying to deal with to him. But now it's gotten to the point where I'm ready for him to leave (his flight is this afternoon), I'm ready to become independent.
Basically this blog is supposed to give off an I'm ok, havin some fun and meeting new ppl vibe. But don't worry, I still miss you all back home. See you at christmas.
Basically this blog is supposed to give off an I'm ok, havin some fun and meeting new ppl vibe. But don't worry, I still miss you all back home. See you at christmas.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Nothin like a drunken blog to kick off the new school yr. Gotta bring in the weekends in style so the girls of 399 (the 3 of us who go to neco and live in the same building 399) hung out tonight. We went to another girl's apt which is much bigger; it started out innocent enough... we were just eating ice cream and watching movies. Then we decided we should drink and watch movies.... turns out the girl whose apt we were at didn't have the greatest tolerance so the 3 of us kinda sobered ourselves up to take care of her. I thought it was a fun night all around, a relatively safe way to drink and not have to worry bout shady guys.
But before we had to take care of the girl, I noticed that these were the nerdiest drunks I had ever encountered in my life. They were talking about politics, abortion... everything you shouldn't talk abt with a group of ppl you've known just shy of a week. We delved into discussions of anatomy and applied our knowledge to think of ways not to get hungover. It was hilarious.
But before we had to take care of the girl, I noticed that these were the nerdiest drunks I had ever encountered in my life. They were talking about politics, abortion... everything you shouldn't talk abt with a group of ppl you've known just shy of a week. We delved into discussions of anatomy and applied our knowledge to think of ways not to get hungover. It was hilarious.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It's been a while, I know I'm in danger of beng accused of not updating my blog nearly enough but this time it wasn't even my fault. I don't have internet set up so I won't be online as often as back home. I did get a new phone out here and I'm on a North America plan that allows me to call home without paying long distance or roaming charges. It's really expensive though... $60/month and I have limits on my minutes. However, my limits are not too bad so if you ever wanna talk just call me. I won't answer, I'll call back so that you don't pay long distance (e-mail me to ask for my number).
I got into Boston friday night, the first thing I did was walk to the mall to place a collect call home to whine about how my room is smaller and dirtier than I remembered. I bought a few previously viewed dvd's from a rental place and watched them on my laptop to try to avoid boredom. Saturday, I had day 1 of orientation so I kept busy that way. It was hard to find something to do on sunday... it was raining. The weather here makes me miss home, the first couple days were really gloomy and it totally made me grumpy that there was no sunlight. Also the sun goes down really early here, it's pitch black by 8pm local time. It even rains different here, in Edmonton you get raindrops but here it's so humid that it ends up as mist. I maintain that the only good thing about the states is the 1 dollar bills, none of this loonies and toonies nonsense.
My dad got here sunday night and I totally needed it, I was cut off from what seemed like the whole world without a cell phone and without the internet and him coming really gave me the lift I needed. We went to the chili's to eat and they are in the middle of a fundraiser for a children's hospital. You colour a chili outline and donate money to have it put up on their wall. I drew the canadian flag into the chili outline. (Even typing "colour" made me miss home since it reminds me that here they spell it color). On labour day (more spelling reminders of home), we got my phone plan started up with verizon and I felt a lot better. I called Stephen and mom right away. Monday turned out to be an awesome day cause I also got some time on the internet to check my email and chat on msn a bit. People always say communication is the key but now I know how true it is.
Today I had day 2 of orientation, I'm still living day by day to keep from being too depressed. I keep thinking this is just temporary until I get to go home to the people I love. That being said, it's hard to think ahead about all the challenges school will bring this term. It's a bit daunting but I'm not worried about the academics at a time like this. I'm consumed by trying to deal with being so far away from home. When I close my eyes I can still envision the streets of edmonton so clearly.
I can't wait to see you all. I didn't think it was humanly possible for me to love christmas any more than I did last year but I have surpassed that level by far. I'm just living for the time when I can come home. Miss you all.
I got into Boston friday night, the first thing I did was walk to the mall to place a collect call home to whine about how my room is smaller and dirtier than I remembered. I bought a few previously viewed dvd's from a rental place and watched them on my laptop to try to avoid boredom. Saturday, I had day 1 of orientation so I kept busy that way. It was hard to find something to do on sunday... it was raining. The weather here makes me miss home, the first couple days were really gloomy and it totally made me grumpy that there was no sunlight. Also the sun goes down really early here, it's pitch black by 8pm local time. It even rains different here, in Edmonton you get raindrops but here it's so humid that it ends up as mist. I maintain that the only good thing about the states is the 1 dollar bills, none of this loonies and toonies nonsense.
My dad got here sunday night and I totally needed it, I was cut off from what seemed like the whole world without a cell phone and without the internet and him coming really gave me the lift I needed. We went to the chili's to eat and they are in the middle of a fundraiser for a children's hospital. You colour a chili outline and donate money to have it put up on their wall. I drew the canadian flag into the chili outline. (Even typing "colour" made me miss home since it reminds me that here they spell it color). On labour day (more spelling reminders of home), we got my phone plan started up with verizon and I felt a lot better. I called Stephen and mom right away. Monday turned out to be an awesome day cause I also got some time on the internet to check my email and chat on msn a bit. People always say communication is the key but now I know how true it is.
Today I had day 2 of orientation, I'm still living day by day to keep from being too depressed. I keep thinking this is just temporary until I get to go home to the people I love. That being said, it's hard to think ahead about all the challenges school will bring this term. It's a bit daunting but I'm not worried about the academics at a time like this. I'm consumed by trying to deal with being so far away from home. When I close my eyes I can still envision the streets of edmonton so clearly.
I can't wait to see you all. I didn't think it was humanly possible for me to love christmas any more than I did last year but I have surpassed that level by far. I'm just living for the time when I can come home. Miss you all.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Friday, August 25, 2006
By this time next week I'll be on a plane to Boston. It's really hard for me to grasp that right now, I feel like I'm avoiding thinking about it until the last minute. When I do think about it, all I can think to say is "that's so crazy."
We're at that point in our lives where the friends we make now could be the friends we keep for the rest of our lives. In my life, I've been fortunate enough to make some wicked awesome friends. I hope you know who you are, you all spoil me. No one in Boston will ever replace you!
Last night, my kung fu instructor ordered in some pizza for us as a little goodbye thing for me. At times I get frustrated with kung fu... sometimes it feels like I put so much time into the club that gets overlooked but I know I will miss it sorely. There's no way I wouldn't, I've gone to this place roughly 3 times a week for the past 5 years. I've learned a lot, not all of it has been kung fu based. Some of these people have been there just as long or longer than me, and we've sort of grown up side by side. I'm really gonna miss being a part of that.
We're at that point in our lives where the friends we make now could be the friends we keep for the rest of our lives. In my life, I've been fortunate enough to make some wicked awesome friends. I hope you know who you are, you all spoil me. No one in Boston will ever replace you!
Last night, my kung fu instructor ordered in some pizza for us as a little goodbye thing for me. At times I get frustrated with kung fu... sometimes it feels like I put so much time into the club that gets overlooked but I know I will miss it sorely. There's no way I wouldn't, I've gone to this place roughly 3 times a week for the past 5 years. I've learned a lot, not all of it has been kung fu based. Some of these people have been there just as long or longer than me, and we've sort of grown up side by side. I'm really gonna miss being a part of that.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Thanks for a great goodbye dim sum guys. You all spoil me with your generosity, thanks for the clothes! I lost the nerve to give a corny speech but know that I'll miss you a lot. I just won't be the same without you guys lookin out for me.
As soon as nha emails me the pics, I'll post a few up. And you can all expect wicked christmas gifts when I get back Dec 22nd.
As soon as nha emails me the pics, I'll post a few up. And you can all expect wicked christmas gifts when I get back Dec 22nd.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I never realized how important family is to me until I was faced with a prospect to leave them. Everyone keeps saying I'll be a better person for leaving, for being on my own. But sometimes I wonder how I can become a better person without my family, the people who've guided me all my life. Maybe it's cause I'm coming down with a cold.. maybe it's my innate pessimism.. I can feel the anxiety and fear engulfing what little excitement I had. When I think about leaving, I feel hollow.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Bitter sweet goodbyes
Where has the summer gone? There's less than a month left before I have to leave this place that I know and love, a place that I've dubbed hick capital of the world but will sorely miss. I'm so aware that this is probably going to be the single defining moment in my life, the moment I have to leave behind the feeling that I really know a city... in return, I'm getting a large metropolitan place where people drive like maniacs and would probably murder a person if they wore a yankees hat. For the most part, my time is spent thinking things like "growing up sucks" and "I want to be forever young!" I'm fairly certain that I'll be miserable for at least all of September if not October as well. Slowly the independence will grow on me and I'll be a better person for it... hopefully...
I feel like I should write something utterly and hopelessly touching, an ode to my life here. But most of what I feel, I've already said. I want this summer to last forever, this sense of accomplishment for getting accepted without having done any actual work in the field. Everything is about spending time with the people you know you'll miss the most. Time is against me, I'll never have enough of it to spend with the people who've had a part in shaping who I am today. Life is always throwing challenges at you but I feel like I just got the hang of things here and now I've got to start all over. I'm terrified, mortified, petrified of it all.
Where has the summer gone? There's less than a month left before I have to leave this place that I know and love, a place that I've dubbed hick capital of the world but will sorely miss. I'm so aware that this is probably going to be the single defining moment in my life, the moment I have to leave behind the feeling that I really know a city... in return, I'm getting a large metropolitan place where people drive like maniacs and would probably murder a person if they wore a yankees hat. For the most part, my time is spent thinking things like "growing up sucks" and "I want to be forever young!" I'm fairly certain that I'll be miserable for at least all of September if not October as well. Slowly the independence will grow on me and I'll be a better person for it... hopefully...
I feel like I should write something utterly and hopelessly touching, an ode to my life here. But most of what I feel, I've already said. I want this summer to last forever, this sense of accomplishment for getting accepted without having done any actual work in the field. Everything is about spending time with the people you know you'll miss the most. Time is against me, I'll never have enough of it to spend with the people who've had a part in shaping who I am today. Life is always throwing challenges at you but I feel like I just got the hang of things here and now I've got to start all over. I'm terrified, mortified, petrified of it all.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tue Sept 5 ~ first day of classes
I wish this summer would last forever.
Wed Nov 22-Sun Nov 26 ~ american thanksgiving break
I'm planning on takin a bus up to NY to spend some time with my aunt in long island. Lil Jessica should help with the homesickness I will undoubtedly be suffering from. Apparently buses from Boston to NY are pretty frequent and very cheap at $15.
Fri Dec 22-Sun Jan 7 ~ winter break
I already can't wait to come home for a couple weeks... christmas is just meant to be spent at my grandma's house surrounded by lil cousins Joyce, Janice, and Gordie the troublemaker.
Sun Mar 11-Sun Mar18 ~ spring break
Either I'll do the stereotypical american thing and go get tanked or I will again go up to NY. I don't know what I'd do without family relatively close.
Sat May 26 ~ last day of final exams
MY LAST SUMMER will be only 3 months long... after this, it's all clinical assignments and rotations... whatever they call them the end result is no summer for me *sigh*
Growing up is hard to do.
I wish this summer would last forever.
Wed Nov 22-Sun Nov 26 ~ american thanksgiving break
I'm planning on takin a bus up to NY to spend some time with my aunt in long island. Lil Jessica should help with the homesickness I will undoubtedly be suffering from. Apparently buses from Boston to NY are pretty frequent and very cheap at $15.
Fri Dec 22-Sun Jan 7 ~ winter break
I already can't wait to come home for a couple weeks... christmas is just meant to be spent at my grandma's house surrounded by lil cousins Joyce, Janice, and Gordie the troublemaker.
Sun Mar 11-Sun Mar18 ~ spring break
Either I'll do the stereotypical american thing and go get tanked or I will again go up to NY. I don't know what I'd do without family relatively close.
Sat May 26 ~ last day of final exams
MY LAST SUMMER will be only 3 months long... after this, it's all clinical assignments and rotations... whatever they call them the end result is no summer for me *sigh*
Growing up is hard to do.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
What a night... so many little drunken asian girls to take care of, so little time....
We were celebrating tony and anita's birthdays and by 1230 it was apparent that anita was tanked. I spent the next hour helping gavin hopelessly attempt moving her from the parking lot in front of fever to the one in front of pho hoa.... a 2 min walk for any partially sober person. I walked anita halfway there where she collapsed in the middle of the parking lot, at this point we decided we should just drive her (and also that she was in no position to eat). Pulled up the car, put her back in and parked closer to pho hoa and started takin shifts taking care of her.
I'm not gonna lie, I was slightly annoyed at drunken anita... but then I reminded myself of how nice she was to me at my bday when I was leaning on the side of the standard puking my brains out, how much she helped me... and suddenly I was glad I had devoted my night to taking care of a little drunken asian girl.
Funny how we never wanna do anythin for some of our closest friends despite all they've done for us. How suddenly, little things like driving someone home or buying a fundraising ticket becomes such a great hassle.
We were celebrating tony and anita's birthdays and by 1230 it was apparent that anita was tanked. I spent the next hour helping gavin hopelessly attempt moving her from the parking lot in front of fever to the one in front of pho hoa.... a 2 min walk for any partially sober person. I walked anita halfway there where she collapsed in the middle of the parking lot, at this point we decided we should just drive her (and also that she was in no position to eat). Pulled up the car, put her back in and parked closer to pho hoa and started takin shifts taking care of her.
I'm not gonna lie, I was slightly annoyed at drunken anita... but then I reminded myself of how nice she was to me at my bday when I was leaning on the side of the standard puking my brains out, how much she helped me... and suddenly I was glad I had devoted my night to taking care of a little drunken asian girl.
Funny how we never wanna do anythin for some of our closest friends despite all they've done for us. How suddenly, little things like driving someone home or buying a fundraising ticket becomes such a great hassle.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The rumour mill is spinning quite the interesting story. Even if this isn't true, it's still very entertaining....
I think by now we've all heard that Pronger is requesting a trade because he supposedly cheated on his wife. But here's something new! the girl that Pronger allegedly cheated on his wife with is... *drumroll please.... some CityTV personality named Christie Chorley
Also, his wife (who's richer than him) apparently cheated on him too.
I think by now we've all heard that Pronger is requesting a trade because he supposedly cheated on his wife. But here's something new! the girl that Pronger allegedly cheated on his wife with is... *drumroll please.... some CityTV personality named Christie Chorley
Also, his wife (who's richer than him) apparently cheated on him too.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hey guys,
If I haven't already emailed you, I'm sorry! You're not on my gmail contact list...
My kung fu club is holding a fundraising BBQ. It's just $10/ticket, we're raising money for my brother Stephen's trip to Malaysia representing team canada in a worldwide tournament. (And also some other ppl from our kung fu club that you don't know...)
It's gonna be at BORDEN park, site 3. (The address is 112 ave and 73 st), on sunday, JULY 30th from 2pm - 5:30pm
RSVP asap so I know how many tickets to get from my instructor. I'm expecting a lot of you to come and show your support! It won't kill you to have some good ol' fashioned BBQ in your stomache. And every meal should be followed by a water balloon fight.
You can bring anyone you want, as long as they dish out the 10 bucks. In fact, I encourage everyone to bring at least one person I haven't met. That way we'll meet new ppl too!
If I haven't already emailed you, I'm sorry! You're not on my gmail contact list...
My kung fu club is holding a fundraising BBQ. It's just $10/ticket, we're raising money for my brother Stephen's trip to Malaysia representing team canada in a worldwide tournament. (And also some other ppl from our kung fu club that you don't know...)
It's gonna be at BORDEN park, site 3. (The address is 112 ave and 73 st), on sunday, JULY 30th from 2pm - 5:30pm
RSVP asap so I know how many tickets to get from my instructor. I'm expecting a lot of you to come and show your support! It won't kill you to have some good ol' fashioned BBQ in your stomache. And every meal should be followed by a water balloon fight.
You can bring anyone you want, as long as they dish out the 10 bucks. In fact, I encourage everyone to bring at least one person I haven't met. That way we'll meet new ppl too!
Monday, June 19, 2006
This is the tale of a girl born and raised in Edmonton venturing into Boston to find an apartment all by her lonesome. Warning: this is very detailed so at times very boring.
My flight is at 2pm edm time, I get to the airport at abt 12:15. Since those damn terrorists have wreaked havoc on security policies, I have to check in 90 minutes before the flight. Finally it's time to board the plane and I start to think about when I leave at the end of the summer for roughly 4 months before I come back for christmas break as opposed to this 4 day trip. I get a little emotional at takeoff and think to myself, as some kids in the background say "wheee," jeez... there are seven yr olds on this plane that are handling themselves better than you. We land in Minneapolis where I am getting on the connecting flight. The aiport may as well be a mall... there's a roots, body shop, sunglass hut, etc, etc. On this flight, a nice lady sits down next to me, she's from a town next to Boston. She and her husband are coming back from a good ol' American vacation. They went to yellowstone, the grand canyon... and some other places I hadn't really heard of... It's an endearing experience, she's the nicest person I've met on a plane. I arrive in Boston 11pm local time, I'm mildy impressed that there is a line up for the cabs (very organized). I check into the hotel, they've given me a room with 2 twin beds instead of the one queen bed I reserved. I keep the room because it's $20/night cheaper, it indirectly reminds me that I am alone.... It's now midnight but still just 10pm back home so I can't quite fall asleep... I watch some bad tv and feel utterly alone. No one to share sarcastic comments with, laugh at stupid commercials with or even to just sit beside. I start to doubt my earlier decision to not have any roommates 1st yr. What a horrible feeling to go to sleep with....
Friday morning rolls around and I walk to the school to talk with the registrar about an I-20 form for a student visa. She's a total bitch, it's a shock because everyone else at the school is so nice. My paperwork is wrong but she gives me an extension because she's going on vacation so she won't be looking at it anytime soon anyway. I meet up with Tarra, a girl who's in my class to theoretically get a head start on the apartment search. Her first appointment is at 1pm... it's 9:45am..... we decide to walk into a realtor's office a few blocks from the school. The lady talks to us abt some price ranges but seems reluctant to show us anything. She says they will be at the housing clinic tomorrow... Tarra and I find a park, we sit and talk for a bit. Then we meet up with a girl whose name I've already forgotten and her mom. We all go to starbucks and when they head to their appointment, I ditch them because it's too far from the school for my liking.
I walk along newbury street (like whyte ave but exponentially superior) until it's time to meet up with Duy at 1:30 for lunch. Afterwards we head over to Beacon Realty for our 3pm appointment. They show us 6 units in 2 buildings. They all look basically the same to me, tiny dorm like apartments with a "kitchenette." They range from $900-1100/month. Duy and I walk over to the malls nearby and do some shopping in an air conditioned environment, then a little more in the scorching sun while walking along newbury. We head back to our respective hotels to drop off our purchases and for a very short rest before the dinner.
My feet hurt and I want to sit in the hotel room longer but it's time to head back to the school.. I'm relieved that I'm not under-dressed, everyone is very casual. Some random conversation occurs with ppl whose names I've forgotten. They give everyone a planner... yay! Turns out Kendall and her dad are staying in the same hotel as me, on the same floor. We all walk back together which is nice because it's now dark out and I'm not quite sure how dangerous Boston is.
We get to the school at abt 8am and I have a muffin. After hearing from the realtors, some students looking for roommates talk abt their places. I decide to check out an apartment that 3 girls are currently living in and looking for a 4th roommate. The place is pretty nice, its only flaw is that it only has 1.5 bathrooms. Call me crazy but I think the number of ppl living in an apartment should be no more than the number of bathrooms x 2. I still decide I want it because the 3 girls are taking up the bedrooms and leaving the living room to be lived in for only $600/month. But another girl wants it too and she asked first so I take it as a sign that I am not meant to have roommates 1st yr. Plus at least I am escaping some DRAMA later on.. cause you know with 4 girls in one apartment, there's bound to be plenty of that. I head back to Beacon Realty and sign a 1 yr lease with option to sub-lease so I can come back for the 3 month summer. My place is abt 2 blocks from the sch so I won't have to partake in too much public transport except maybe to buy groceries.
I feel relieved that I have an apartment for sept 1. And it's only like 1pm! While signing the lease, Darren is signing his also so we decide to have lunch together. He's from BC, and the canucks were 9th place in the west (thereby missing out on the playoffs while edmonton clinched the last spot). He's a bit of an oiler hater but tones it down so I don't feel the resentment I did when I spoke with him briefly during friday night dinner. I walk around for a while sort of shopping/killing time. Finally the blisters on my feet tell me it's time to head back to the hotel room, I watch some tv then head down to the McD's just down the street. I'm back with time to spare before the puck drops for game 6. Since I'm breaking the previous superstitions established including: sitting on the floor and watching the game on CBC, I feel compelled to wear my oilers hat. Clearly, the luck was enough to offset the superstitions since the oilers won 4-0 all because of my headwear.
Having a busy friday and saturday, meeting some of my classmates really helped me get over the homesickness I had thursday night. But I'm still glad to head to the airport early sunday morning. On the flight from Boston to Minneapolis, I meet a couple guys that seem to be around Stephen's age (high sch types) but get a little envious when they mention their trips to Italy, Greece, and other exotic places. Turns out they're writers, one is doing a little book of 100 interesting things/possible things to write a story about. I tell him abt the time I saw a dead bunny in the snow and the ensuing bunny nightmare I had, he says "well, that's number 36 right there." The guys were the most interesting ppl I've met on a plane.
While walking through the Minneapolis airport again, I'm dissapointed when I get to the gate and no one else is wearing any oiler garb (I'm wearing the hat now). Still I'm glad the trip is almost over since I'm just not good at flying.. headaches like crazy.
I get home and everything is just as I left it, I'm sure that won't be the case by the time I come back for christmas..... I think abt something a guy originally from edmonton, now going into his 2nd or 3rd yr at the sch said to me: It's an odd feeling when you live in a city that isn't your home for the better part of a yr. You get back to edm and some things have changed so it isn't home as you remember it.
My flight is at 2pm edm time, I get to the airport at abt 12:15. Since those damn terrorists have wreaked havoc on security policies, I have to check in 90 minutes before the flight. Finally it's time to board the plane and I start to think about when I leave at the end of the summer for roughly 4 months before I come back for christmas break as opposed to this 4 day trip. I get a little emotional at takeoff and think to myself, as some kids in the background say "wheee," jeez... there are seven yr olds on this plane that are handling themselves better than you. We land in Minneapolis where I am getting on the connecting flight. The aiport may as well be a mall... there's a roots, body shop, sunglass hut, etc, etc. On this flight, a nice lady sits down next to me, she's from a town next to Boston. She and her husband are coming back from a good ol' American vacation. They went to yellowstone, the grand canyon... and some other places I hadn't really heard of... It's an endearing experience, she's the nicest person I've met on a plane. I arrive in Boston 11pm local time, I'm mildy impressed that there is a line up for the cabs (very organized). I check into the hotel, they've given me a room with 2 twin beds instead of the one queen bed I reserved. I keep the room because it's $20/night cheaper, it indirectly reminds me that I am alone.... It's now midnight but still just 10pm back home so I can't quite fall asleep... I watch some bad tv and feel utterly alone. No one to share sarcastic comments with, laugh at stupid commercials with or even to just sit beside. I start to doubt my earlier decision to not have any roommates 1st yr. What a horrible feeling to go to sleep with....
Friday morning rolls around and I walk to the school to talk with the registrar about an I-20 form for a student visa. She's a total bitch, it's a shock because everyone else at the school is so nice. My paperwork is wrong but she gives me an extension because she's going on vacation so she won't be looking at it anytime soon anyway. I meet up with Tarra, a girl who's in my class to theoretically get a head start on the apartment search. Her first appointment is at 1pm... it's 9:45am..... we decide to walk into a realtor's office a few blocks from the school. The lady talks to us abt some price ranges but seems reluctant to show us anything. She says they will be at the housing clinic tomorrow... Tarra and I find a park, we sit and talk for a bit. Then we meet up with a girl whose name I've already forgotten and her mom. We all go to starbucks and when they head to their appointment, I ditch them because it's too far from the school for my liking.
I walk along newbury street (like whyte ave but exponentially superior) until it's time to meet up with Duy at 1:30 for lunch. Afterwards we head over to Beacon Realty for our 3pm appointment. They show us 6 units in 2 buildings. They all look basically the same to me, tiny dorm like apartments with a "kitchenette." They range from $900-1100/month. Duy and I walk over to the malls nearby and do some shopping in an air conditioned environment, then a little more in the scorching sun while walking along newbury. We head back to our respective hotels to drop off our purchases and for a very short rest before the dinner.
My feet hurt and I want to sit in the hotel room longer but it's time to head back to the school.. I'm relieved that I'm not under-dressed, everyone is very casual. Some random conversation occurs with ppl whose names I've forgotten. They give everyone a planner... yay! Turns out Kendall and her dad are staying in the same hotel as me, on the same floor. We all walk back together which is nice because it's now dark out and I'm not quite sure how dangerous Boston is.
We get to the school at abt 8am and I have a muffin. After hearing from the realtors, some students looking for roommates talk abt their places. I decide to check out an apartment that 3 girls are currently living in and looking for a 4th roommate. The place is pretty nice, its only flaw is that it only has 1.5 bathrooms. Call me crazy but I think the number of ppl living in an apartment should be no more than the number of bathrooms x 2. I still decide I want it because the 3 girls are taking up the bedrooms and leaving the living room to be lived in for only $600/month. But another girl wants it too and she asked first so I take it as a sign that I am not meant to have roommates 1st yr. Plus at least I am escaping some DRAMA later on.. cause you know with 4 girls in one apartment, there's bound to be plenty of that. I head back to Beacon Realty and sign a 1 yr lease with option to sub-lease so I can come back for the 3 month summer. My place is abt 2 blocks from the sch so I won't have to partake in too much public transport except maybe to buy groceries.
I feel relieved that I have an apartment for sept 1. And it's only like 1pm! While signing the lease, Darren is signing his also so we decide to have lunch together. He's from BC, and the canucks were 9th place in the west (thereby missing out on the playoffs while edmonton clinched the last spot). He's a bit of an oiler hater but tones it down so I don't feel the resentment I did when I spoke with him briefly during friday night dinner. I walk around for a while sort of shopping/killing time. Finally the blisters on my feet tell me it's time to head back to the hotel room, I watch some tv then head down to the McD's just down the street. I'm back with time to spare before the puck drops for game 6. Since I'm breaking the previous superstitions established including: sitting on the floor and watching the game on CBC, I feel compelled to wear my oilers hat. Clearly, the luck was enough to offset the superstitions since the oilers won 4-0 all because of my headwear.
Having a busy friday and saturday, meeting some of my classmates really helped me get over the homesickness I had thursday night. But I'm still glad to head to the airport early sunday morning. On the flight from Boston to Minneapolis, I meet a couple guys that seem to be around Stephen's age (high sch types) but get a little envious when they mention their trips to Italy, Greece, and other exotic places. Turns out they're writers, one is doing a little book of 100 interesting things/possible things to write a story about. I tell him abt the time I saw a dead bunny in the snow and the ensuing bunny nightmare I had, he says "well, that's number 36 right there." The guys were the most interesting ppl I've met on a plane.
While walking through the Minneapolis airport again, I'm dissapointed when I get to the gate and no one else is wearing any oiler garb (I'm wearing the hat now). Still I'm glad the trip is almost over since I'm just not good at flying.. headaches like crazy.
I get home and everything is just as I left it, I'm sure that won't be the case by the time I come back for christmas..... I think abt something a guy originally from edmonton, now going into his 2nd or 3rd yr at the sch said to me: It's an odd feeling when you live in a city that isn't your home for the better part of a yr. You get back to edm and some things have changed so it isn't home as you remember it.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
The Graduation Song - Vitamin C
I thought that the one hit wonder by Vitamin C is totally relevant to my leaving for Boston.
I've been thinking about how music can affect us, how a song can remain forever attached to a certain feeling or event in your life. This all started cause I was looking for burnt cd's, ones worth so little that I wouldn't care if I forgot them at work. I found a couple from back in the day.. circa '99 and when I listened to them there were a few one hit wonders.... But it was just so crazy that upon hearing those songs your conscious mind had long forgotten, all the old memories are stirred up. That song you loved so much, you would listen to the radio the whole day just waiting for them to play it. That song you identified with cause you felt like you were goin through the exact same situation the lyrics were outlining.
Someday "Jo's Summer '06 Mix" will bring about reminiscent feelings...
Here's the songlist for "Jo's Mixed CD Y2K"
1. Silverchair - Anthem for the yr 2000
2. Blink 182 - Adam's song
3. Destiny's Child - Say my name
4. Gob - I hear you calling
5. Greenday - Time of your life
6. Lauryn Hill - Can't take my eyes off of you
7. Outkast - Ms. Jackson
8. Joe f/ Mystikal - Stutter
9. R. Kelly - I wish
10. Lit - Miserable
11. Our Lady Peace - Life
12. Papa Roach - Last resort
13. Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
14. All 4 One - I swear
15. SoulDecision - Let's do it right
16. Everclear - Wonderful
Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
The Graduation Song - Vitamin C
I thought that the one hit wonder by Vitamin C is totally relevant to my leaving for Boston.
I've been thinking about how music can affect us, how a song can remain forever attached to a certain feeling or event in your life. This all started cause I was looking for burnt cd's, ones worth so little that I wouldn't care if I forgot them at work. I found a couple from back in the day.. circa '99 and when I listened to them there were a few one hit wonders.... But it was just so crazy that upon hearing those songs your conscious mind had long forgotten, all the old memories are stirred up. That song you loved so much, you would listen to the radio the whole day just waiting for them to play it. That song you identified with cause you felt like you were goin through the exact same situation the lyrics were outlining.
Someday "Jo's Summer '06 Mix" will bring about reminiscent feelings...
Here's the songlist for "Jo's Mixed CD Y2K"
1. Silverchair - Anthem for the yr 2000
2. Blink 182 - Adam's song
3. Destiny's Child - Say my name
4. Gob - I hear you calling
5. Greenday - Time of your life
6. Lauryn Hill - Can't take my eyes off of you
7. Outkast - Ms. Jackson
8. Joe f/ Mystikal - Stutter
9. R. Kelly - I wish
10. Lit - Miserable
11. Our Lady Peace - Life
12. Papa Roach - Last resort
13. Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
14. All 4 One - I swear
15. SoulDecision - Let's do it right
16. Everclear - Wonderful
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I think losing Roli has gotten nearly everyone in the city of Edmonton very emotional. But I'm gonna state now that I think he's gone, and holding your breath waiting for a game 3 miracle start to happen might prove dire. Of course I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
Calling everyone a bandwagoner is not gonna make anything better. After all, who's to define "bandwagoner"? If it's someone who hasn't stuck with the oil the ENTIRE season, then I think a lot of us are guilty of being one. I'm not saying bandwagoners are my favourite people, they entice you into talking about the game only to utter some lame "oil sweep" comment; so now you've wasted several minutes of precious time tryin to actually talk about the game with what may as well be a doorknob. BUT I love the atmosphere it's created in the city, we all have a pseudo thing in common. I think it's wicked awesome that I can have a 5 minute conversation with an absolute stranger just because I said I liked the oilers pin on her jacket. Bandwagoner or not, we all want the oil to win so let's just stop with the "I'm a better oilers fan" insults.
Calling everyone a bandwagoner is not gonna make anything better. After all, who's to define "bandwagoner"? If it's someone who hasn't stuck with the oil the ENTIRE season, then I think a lot of us are guilty of being one. I'm not saying bandwagoners are my favourite people, they entice you into talking about the game only to utter some lame "oil sweep" comment; so now you've wasted several minutes of precious time tryin to actually talk about the game with what may as well be a doorknob. BUT I love the atmosphere it's created in the city, we all have a pseudo thing in common. I think it's wicked awesome that I can have a 5 minute conversation with an absolute stranger just because I said I liked the oilers pin on her jacket. Bandwagoner or not, we all want the oil to win so let's just stop with the "I'm a better oilers fan" insults.
Monday, June 05, 2006

If anybody has superhuman healer hands, now is the time to step forward. Roli needs your help. According to MacT, he won't be back for the series... Granted, he didn't play a great game but the chances of our copper and blue winning with Conklin or Markkanen is slim. What the oil needs now is a miracle. And Pronger's only one man.

Monday, May 29, 2006
Hmm, the things I'm gonna miss about Edmonton... gonna get me reminiscing before I even leave... I'm gonna miss my house, my family (specifically home cooked meals), my friends, my (dad's) car, kung fu, and of course the oilers. And the intangibles, like knowing if you ever got in trouble, there's family around to help you out.
I still don't know when I'm leaving, "end of August." I'll probably go to NY to visit my aunt before sch starts. I'm lookin forward to the housing clinic, gettin an apartment so there's one less thing to worry about.
I'm tryin to keep work to a minimum, just enough to curb boredom. I wanna enjoy my last summer in Edmonton.
Goin to all the little festivals in the city. Like "capital ex" formerly known as klondike days, I already got tickets to see All-American Rejects when they come out for that.
And Heritage Days held at hawrelak park where you can walk around and take in all the pseudo culture.
Street Performers and Taste of Edmonton, yum.
I still don't know when I'm leaving, "end of August." I'll probably go to NY to visit my aunt before sch starts. I'm lookin forward to the housing clinic, gettin an apartment so there's one less thing to worry about.
I'm tryin to keep work to a minimum, just enough to curb boredom. I wanna enjoy my last summer in Edmonton.
Goin to all the little festivals in the city. Like "capital ex" formerly known as klondike days, I already got tickets to see All-American Rejects when they come out for that.
And Heritage Days held at hawrelak park where you can walk around and take in all the pseudo culture.
Street Performers and Taste of Edmonton, yum.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Family dynamics
Whether you like to admit it or not, your family plays such an important role in the development of your character. We're born naive; everything your parents tell you is truth. It never occurs to you that your parents could be anything but honest with you. Looking back at the lame lies that you were told, you wonder how you ever believed them; of course at the time there was something awkward/fishy about the whole situation but you shrugged it off because the source was your dad. It's always such a shock the first time you realize your mom lied to you, the first time you find out your dad doesn't know everything.
Imagine how different you would be if your parents had more children, less children. If you were the oldest, youngest, middle child... As the eldest, I was painfully aware of the impact I had on my little brother especially when we were younger. He thought I knew everything, all his questions were directed to me. The first time I told him "I don't know." He asked me the question over and over, at the time I thought he was just being an annoying brat. But it turns out it was because he thought I was lying, the possibility that I didn't know was nil in his mind.
I can't imagine my life as an only child. I'm sure I would hate it. But when I was growing up I wondered what it would be like to have an older brother to look out for me, an older brother to idealize.
Whether you like to admit it or not, your family plays such an important role in the development of your character. We're born naive; everything your parents tell you is truth. It never occurs to you that your parents could be anything but honest with you. Looking back at the lame lies that you were told, you wonder how you ever believed them; of course at the time there was something awkward/fishy about the whole situation but you shrugged it off because the source was your dad. It's always such a shock the first time you realize your mom lied to you, the first time you find out your dad doesn't know everything.
Imagine how different you would be if your parents had more children, less children. If you were the oldest, youngest, middle child... As the eldest, I was painfully aware of the impact I had on my little brother especially when we were younger. He thought I knew everything, all his questions were directed to me. The first time I told him "I don't know." He asked me the question over and over, at the time I thought he was just being an annoying brat. But it turns out it was because he thought I was lying, the possibility that I didn't know was nil in his mind.
I can't imagine my life as an only child. I'm sure I would hate it. But when I was growing up I wondered what it would be like to have an older brother to look out for me, an older brother to idealize.
I'm sure we've all asked ourselves hypothetical questions like what would I do if I could turn back time? What advice would I try to give to my eg. 10 yr old self?
Sometimes we look back and dwell on the mistakes we've made in life, the little things that we wish we'd done differently. There's no one particular day in my life that I wish I could change; if I could turn back time, I'd just live my entire life over starting from like grade 7. But if I had done everything according to plan, would I be the same person?
I remember when I was a kid, everyone always said somethin to the gist of "cherish your childhood." But every other sentence I uttered started with "When I grow up....." it felt like I was waiting for my life to begin. That's why I think if you did go back to tell your 10 yr old self something, they wouldn't listen.
I thought by the time I turned 20, I'd have everything figured out. 20 seemed so old then... there were daily protests when grandma tried to get us to settle down for a nap, some days I'd just stare at the clock for the mandatory half hour and rush back out to play. These days, I love naps and I miss childhood.
Being the eldest, I was always in such a hurry to grow up; but the things in life that have the most enjoyment are the little things that remind me of childhood. Saturday morning cartoons and playing with gummy bears before eating them. The biggest debate in your life was arguing with your friends over what to watch during lunch: looney tunes vs the flinstones. Jumping off swings to see who can land the farthest in the pee-soaked sand. Running so fast down the hill you think for a split second that you might actually fly this one time.
I really think that more is learned from a failure than a success, that the hardships in life build character. But then again, maybe that's just what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.
Sometimes we look back and dwell on the mistakes we've made in life, the little things that we wish we'd done differently. There's no one particular day in my life that I wish I could change; if I could turn back time, I'd just live my entire life over starting from like grade 7. But if I had done everything according to plan, would I be the same person?
I remember when I was a kid, everyone always said somethin to the gist of "cherish your childhood." But every other sentence I uttered started with "When I grow up....." it felt like I was waiting for my life to begin. That's why I think if you did go back to tell your 10 yr old self something, they wouldn't listen.
I thought by the time I turned 20, I'd have everything figured out. 20 seemed so old then... there were daily protests when grandma tried to get us to settle down for a nap, some days I'd just stare at the clock for the mandatory half hour and rush back out to play. These days, I love naps and I miss childhood.
Being the eldest, I was always in such a hurry to grow up; but the things in life that have the most enjoyment are the little things that remind me of childhood. Saturday morning cartoons and playing with gummy bears before eating them. The biggest debate in your life was arguing with your friends over what to watch during lunch: looney tunes vs the flinstones. Jumping off swings to see who can land the farthest in the pee-soaked sand. Running so fast down the hill you think for a split second that you might actually fly this one time.
I really think that more is learned from a failure than a success, that the hardships in life build character. But then again, maybe that's just what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I realize that I haven't been blogging nearly as much as in the past, but that's just because there's not much to vent/complain about anymore. My life is basically on track now that I've been accepted into optometry... I'm just trying to have fun this summer with my friends who I'll miss deeply once I move to Boston (aka bean town).
So my job in the psych department at U of A has been over for about a week now, I am gonna start working a retail job after the long weekend. Just part time so I'll have plenty of time to savour the summer.
Main focus will be kung fu and just generally being healthy and active this summer, but I'm not gonna spend all my time talking about my new lifestyle... for one, it's not that drastic of a change and two, it's just goddamn annoying, not to mention boring, to listen to someone preach about how they only eat turkey breast. (Like my god, do you want a goddamn nobel prize for not being a fat lard?)
Now let's talk about the truly important things in life, material posessions. I'm getting a laptop pretty soon... it's gonna be my computer when I move so it's gotta be super nice. I just found out that Stephen didn't pay for his laptop (my mom hasn't asked him to pay her since he put it on her credit card). Naturally, I now want a laptop just as good as his... before it was all fine and dandy that he had a better one since he was paying for it. I'm pretty much sure that I'll be gettin an apple, but not sure which one. Stay tuned for exciting developments.
Still on the subject of materialism, I want new flip flops.... I saw a really nice pair of lacoste ones on the website but when I actually saw them in a store I was sorely disappointed... they weren't even half as nice as on the website. And they were like $100 which even for a brandwhore like myself is ridiculous, I mean they're just flip flops!
Also, due to the scorching weather we've been having lately, I'm gonna need to stock up on summer clothes fast. I can't help it that the greater powers above want me to go shopping..... clearly, the weather is a sign...
To this day, I have not had a friend who stays just as close even after they get into a relationship. There's always that complaint that ppl just ignore their friends when they find a bf/gf and of course, there will be less time for them to allot to their friends but still.. it's a bit disappointing.
In music news, I think I really like Snow Patrol... I don't have their cd but I have a few of their songs, I should get around to listening to more of their songs...
I want to see Da Vinci Code, but more so I want to go to a goddamn Oiler game! Too bad ticketmaster hates me.
So my job in the psych department at U of A has been over for about a week now, I am gonna start working a retail job after the long weekend. Just part time so I'll have plenty of time to savour the summer.
Main focus will be kung fu and just generally being healthy and active this summer, but I'm not gonna spend all my time talking about my new lifestyle... for one, it's not that drastic of a change and two, it's just goddamn annoying, not to mention boring, to listen to someone preach about how they only eat turkey breast. (Like my god, do you want a goddamn nobel prize for not being a fat lard?)
Now let's talk about the truly important things in life, material posessions. I'm getting a laptop pretty soon... it's gonna be my computer when I move so it's gotta be super nice. I just found out that Stephen didn't pay for his laptop (my mom hasn't asked him to pay her since he put it on her credit card). Naturally, I now want a laptop just as good as his... before it was all fine and dandy that he had a better one since he was paying for it. I'm pretty much sure that I'll be gettin an apple, but not sure which one. Stay tuned for exciting developments.
Still on the subject of materialism, I want new flip flops.... I saw a really nice pair of lacoste ones on the website but when I actually saw them in a store I was sorely disappointed... they weren't even half as nice as on the website. And they were like $100 which even for a brandwhore like myself is ridiculous, I mean they're just flip flops!
Also, due to the scorching weather we've been having lately, I'm gonna need to stock up on summer clothes fast. I can't help it that the greater powers above want me to go shopping..... clearly, the weather is a sign...
To this day, I have not had a friend who stays just as close even after they get into a relationship. There's always that complaint that ppl just ignore their friends when they find a bf/gf and of course, there will be less time for them to allot to their friends but still.. it's a bit disappointing.
In music news, I think I really like Snow Patrol... I don't have their cd but I have a few of their songs, I should get around to listening to more of their songs...
I want to see Da Vinci Code, but more so I want to go to a goddamn Oiler game! Too bad ticketmaster hates me.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Can't wait till tuesday 12pm.... I'm pretty much empty on motivation. Wasted quite a bit of time today watchin the game, I had originally planned to just watch the last period but I of course wanted an excuse to take an even longer break from studyin so I thought "I'll watch the second period too... that's only an hour." Cut to overtime period 1... overtime period 2... and suddenly I wished I hadn't spent all that time for nothing.
Blah. Didn't help that it was all gloomy out either... luckily, knowing I'm gonna be in optometry in september keeps me from bein too depressed.
Blah. Didn't help that it was all gloomy out either... luckily, knowing I'm gonna be in optometry in september keeps me from bein too depressed.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
**Spoiler: Inside Man**
Again for those of you who frequent Bo's blog, although I agree that Inside Man was a letdown it wasn't THAT bad. Clive Owen steals from the Nazi guy because that way no one comes after him for the DIAMONDS (Nazi guy doesn't want people to know he's a Nazi therefore will not try to capture Clive Owen).
It really does suck that Clive Owen spends most of the movie masked... major flaws to this movie in no particular order:
1. too much Denzel, not enough Clive
2. Jodie Foster sucks, no blonde woman should be that cocky
3. falls apart at the end
Again for those of you who frequent Bo's blog, although I agree that Inside Man was a letdown it wasn't THAT bad. Clive Owen steals from the Nazi guy because that way no one comes after him for the DIAMONDS (Nazi guy doesn't want people to know he's a Nazi therefore will not try to capture Clive Owen).
It really does suck that Clive Owen spends most of the movie masked... major flaws to this movie in no particular order:
1. too much Denzel, not enough Clive
2. Jodie Foster sucks, no blonde woman should be that cocky
3. falls apart at the end
Monday, March 27, 2006
Wow, what a relaxing saturday I had... probably the first whole day in a long time that I did not study at all. And it's not like I did anything exciting, it was just a nice break. Went for lunch, to kung fu, then to see V for Vendetta later that night.
For those of you who frequent Bo's blog, it wasn't all that she's cracked it up to be. A few cheesy moments are the least of this movie's problems. It was decent and I don't regret going to see it at all, just don't go into it expecting to get a new found vision on the world's political problems. It's not as revolutionary as some people would think. Boys: Natalie Portman was pretty good in it but they shaved her head halfway through then try to make up for it with big explosions and some blood. Girls: the guy's mask stays on throughout the whole movie so if you were hoping for some ridiculously hot guy unveiling, you are out of luck.
This friday night, I will be at school until 9pm because of my stupid statistics lab final. Bummer much? What I'm lookin forward to: cranium tournament either sat or sun. Loser-ish? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely.
For those of you who frequent Bo's blog, it wasn't all that she's cracked it up to be. A few cheesy moments are the least of this movie's problems. It was decent and I don't regret going to see it at all, just don't go into it expecting to get a new found vision on the world's political problems. It's not as revolutionary as some people would think. Boys: Natalie Portman was pretty good in it but they shaved her head halfway through then try to make up for it with big explosions and some blood. Girls: the guy's mask stays on throughout the whole movie so if you were hoping for some ridiculously hot guy unveiling, you are out of luck.
This friday night, I will be at school until 9pm because of my stupid statistics lab final. Bummer much? What I'm lookin forward to: cranium tournament either sat or sun. Loser-ish? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Politics.... what a loaded topic. I think an uninformed vote is worse than no vote at all. I don't understand how people can have a party they always vote for. I'm losing faith in the political system and I've only been allowed to vote for 2 yrs now. I pretty much view it as voting for the party/candidate/leader you hate the least. For me, most emphasis is placed on the party.
The NDP is the only party that has an adequate (relative term I know) plan in terms of education funding which is near to my heart since I am a poor student. But of course the NDP can make these promises since they won't win. In all actuality, I am a liberal in the traditional definitions of the parties' viewpoints. However, these days the parties are basically all the same except on the gay marriages I really see no major differences.
So who did I vote for? I won't tell you but I will say that I am strongly anti-Conservative mainly because they are such hypocrites. I hate the way Canadian politics is becoming more like American politics with the slander ads; I loathe the Conservative ad that was an attack on the liberal slander ads. You know, the one where they have sound clips of Martin saying "I authorized those ads." Then making out Martin to be the devil incarnate while conveniently overlooking their own negative ads.
All hail the reign of the conservative party along with the head scratchers who voted for them.
The NDP is the only party that has an adequate (relative term I know) plan in terms of education funding which is near to my heart since I am a poor student. But of course the NDP can make these promises since they won't win. In all actuality, I am a liberal in the traditional definitions of the parties' viewpoints. However, these days the parties are basically all the same except on the gay marriages I really see no major differences.
So who did I vote for? I won't tell you but I will say that I am strongly anti-Conservative mainly because they are such hypocrites. I hate the way Canadian politics is becoming more like American politics with the slander ads; I loathe the Conservative ad that was an attack on the liberal slander ads. You know, the one where they have sound clips of Martin saying "I authorized those ads." Then making out Martin to be the devil incarnate while conveniently overlooking their own negative ads.
All hail the reign of the conservative party along with the head scratchers who voted for them.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Every once in a while, something happens to jolt your world. It defies the laws of the world. It makes you lose faith in a just world. (For example, you study your ass off for an exam and somehow bomb it.) You're not sure exactly why it upsets you but it does. It's because we all want to believe that when you deserve something, you get it. And those that don't deserve it, don't receive. This all makes it that much harder to understand when an event so utterly unfair occurs. When you are witness to someone else receiving something they do not deserve. Is it jealousy? I think not. I think it's merely your brain struggling to process something that doesn't fit with your preconceived notions.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006
No matter what you do, you cannot make everyone happy.
Case and point, bday plans are always a disaster. I usually don't do anythin for my bday but for some reason I decided that I should this year and surprise, it's a repeat of the last time I tried to plan somethin. People backin out left and right, tellin me they "might" come, complaining about the places I pick, and askin me "well, how am I gonna get there?" How bout a "happy bday, thanks for inviting me" is that too much to ask?
Well, here's the thing it's my bday. You're not sposed to come because you like the bar, you're sposed to come cause it's my bday.
Case and point, bday plans are always a disaster. I usually don't do anythin for my bday but for some reason I decided that I should this year and surprise, it's a repeat of the last time I tried to plan somethin. People backin out left and right, tellin me they "might" come, complaining about the places I pick, and askin me "well, how am I gonna get there?" How bout a "happy bday, thanks for inviting me" is that too much to ask?
Well, here's the thing it's my bday. You're not sposed to come because you like the bar, you're sposed to come cause it's my bday.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
The emerging form of hegemonic metroflamer - a divergent branch of the present hegemonic masculinity
At this present time, it is unknown whether this variant form of the hegemonic masculine male is beneficial or detrimental. However, it is currently challenging the dominant form of hegemonic masculinity now culturally exalted.
The purpose of this article is not to pass judgement on the effectiveness of the hegemonic metroflamers, but rather bring their existence into recognition through power of definition.
Characteristics of the metroflamer include
1. Fundamental to the hegemonic metroflamer is accessorizing and overall cohesion of the outfit.
2. The hegemonic metroflamer is aware of and internally concerned with the brand and quality of their hygiene products.
3. Choice of clothing reflects form rather than function. The palate of colors is used to express individuality in the metroflamer realm.
4. The hegemonic metroflamer partakes in the viewing of programs in which emphasized femininity is central such as Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives.
5. Body type is typically lean, tight clothes are worn to draw attention to specific features.
6. The hegemonic metroflamer feels a greater level of social cohesion in a group of emphasized femininity rather than hegemonic masculinity. This is displayed by the larger proportion of their friends being of the female sex rather than the male sex.
7. Finally, the hegemonic metroflamer is commonly mistaken for a homosexual male based on maneurisms - false gender categorization.
It is our theory that the emergence of said hegemonic metroflamer is indeed a reaction formation to the culturally defined dominant masculinity. Society's restrictive definition of the hegemonic masculine results in suppression of expression of self and identity, thus manifesting in a "normally different" branch of the culturally stylized expression.
Recalling the uncertainty of the usefulness of the hegemonic metroflamer form, females are at times perplexed by the behavior of the hegemonic metroflamer, uncertain whether to treat them as the next step in the evolution of the heterosexual or the currently defined homosexual.
Although females have not yet perfected a complementary form of femininity to interact with this hegemonic metroflamer; there is a lack mirroring evident in the emphasized femininity pairing to hegemonic masculinity. We do appreciate the level of effort to putting forth an aesthetically pleasing, perceptual reality of the male form.
This dichotomy in the power of definition rests in the responsibilities of the female to categorize the hegemonic metroflamer in the typical category of a homosexual or a heterosexual male. This bifurcated conflict can only be resolved through analyses in the future.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006
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