Sunday, November 30, 2003

Hello! Just about two weeks till my christmas break starts so I thought I'd put up a preliminary wish list. And if you're gonna get me a present let me know, we'll set up a price range so nobody gets ripped off. 'Tis the season to be giving!

p.s. You have to sort of search for the puma stuff when you get to the foot locker site... for some reason, the links I put up don't lead to the exact product I want. Sorry! Just click on brands (near the top) choose Puma, then focus the search by choosing Women's for Gender (on the left side) and you shouldn't have any trouble finding pics.

Neptunes CD ~$22.99

Large Puma Women's Full Zip Hoodie ~$57.99 OR Large Navy Puma Women's Fleece Hoodie ~$47.99 OR Large Grey Puma Women's 1973 Long-Sleeve Tee ("Pewter/Pearl") ~$23.99

Puma Speed Cats (size 8 men's) ~$100CAN

If you're up for a challenge, I'd be so impressed if someone could find me those pens that change colour when you touch 'em cause of body heat. Does anyone know what I'm talkin about? They were all the craze back when I was in like 4th grade. Also, lindor chocolates are always welcome..... mmm.... milk chocolate...... Anyhoo, better days!

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Morning... afternoon.... whichever. The reality of final exams are starting to hit me. What the hell was I thinking? I only have like 5 days to study for 4 finals and a midterm! How the frixis am I gonna pull this off? Shabbily, that's how. Really aiming for a 2.4 this term but next term, nothing short of a 3.0 will be accepted.

Friday, November 28, 2003

Hmm, stayed at sch till 6:30ish tonight for an organic help session which I felt was completely useless.... or certainly not worth that much time on a friday. Hopefully I found it useless because I'm ready for the exam... but just in case, this weekend will be heavy duty studying. Not psychotic studying but not too much wasted time either.

Gotta go to a play tomorrow night for eng class.... not lookin forward to it. Orginally I thought it would be a good time to suck up to my prof but I now just wanna go, watch the play, and go home.

Only two weeks till my revival date. Until then, better days and god bless those of you who have exams coming up. The rest of you can rot in hell! Nah, I'm just messin.
So I'm kinda worried bout how I did on my chem 101 lab final.... I didn't do anythin productive the weekend leading up to it... but ya, I think I'm gettin better just in time for the rest of my first univ finals. I absolutely refuse to let this entire first term be a waste. I'm basically just aiming for a 2.4 average for now but come next term I'm hoping to raise it to 3.0. Better days!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Things are looking up, tomorrow marks my organic chem lab checkout! Slowly, I'm inching my way towards being a better person not only to others, but for myself because I am selfish. I just need to make better decisions that won't give me as many regrets. Hopefully, in the process, I can be a less bitter person.

Crunch time is really starting now, what I need to do is suck it up and get through these finals without screwing myself over... I know this, but it's still unsure whether I will put it into practice. I guess time will tell.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Well, due to my constant procrastination, I had to skip kung fu to write my eng term paper which is due tomorrow. I'm two thirds of the way there!

Moral of the story: leaving something you hate to do till the last minute won't make you hate it any less.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The question is, are you ready to get back up... and fight for what you believe in.
- Dan Qualye

Hey guys, don't have much to say today. Just trying to motivate myself to do sch work but so far, it's not really working. I need to get a C+ on my eng term paper that's due on tues to get back to a C-..... I honestly doubt this is gonna happen since I haven't even started and I have no idea want I want to write. God I hate eng, there's really nothing I can to do that will make a drastic improvement. I go to class, and I leave as the same person having learnt nothing. Life is just so frustrating right now. I hate eng with every fibre of my being.. actually, that's not completely true... I focus quite a bit of my hatred towards organic chem... All I know is I'm still not the person I want to be, it's like something is weighing me down at the moment and I just don't have the strength to overcome it.

....Hmm, I guess I did have quite a bit to say after all... Until next time, better days!

Alright, so we all know that tv is my biggest weakness. What am I going to do about it you ask? I'm only going to watch two hours of tv a day (starting... now!) and if you think that's a lot of tv, you are sorely mistaken and obviously do not know me very well.

I was lying in bed this morning and it came to me, I'm miserable. I really can't wait until my finals are over and I can be happy again. I'm well aware I've said this many times but it's what keeps me going.

Something to keep in mind: give everything your all, it leads to less regrets and it's good for your soul.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

The weekend is here! Which I guess isn't too big of a deal except for the fact that I get more sleep. Grr, this weekend marks the beginning of studying for finals and also writing my first eng term paper.... hope I don't fail this....
And 3 weeks till I'm done my exams... then I can be happy again.... I miss being happy...

Saw the Rundown today, it was surprisingly good maybe just because I had such low expectations for it. But honestly, the fight scenes were pretty decent and the rock is not as bad an actor as I had previously anticipated.

Something to keep in mind: be nice to people, it's good for your soul.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

The days are winding down till my finals start and I just want to say that I will try so goddamn hard to be a keener and not come out of these exams bitching. I really need to suck it up and put some god's honest work into studying. I'll let you all know how it goes. Better days!
Got my chem 101 midterm #2 back today, quite a pleasant surprise. I beat the average! hahahah! Victory is mine! Athough, I'm sure I could've done better had I utilized my time better... must keep that in mind for finals. Better days!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

welps, tomorrow marks my last 161 lab... I guess that's something... I just hope I don't screw it up. Got off at 2pm today, came home, wasted an hour watching general hospital, took a nap for an hour and a half... that seems like a waste of time but I'm sure it paid off. I did not get as much accomplished as I had originally hoped... Must finish bio lab report tomorrow so no ging wu which totally sucks. I hate missing kung fu. And I hate school. And I hate YOU! Nah, I take back the last bit. Well, until next time, better days!

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I was watching One Tree Hill today and it hit me "I'm not the person I want to be." Those were the words spoken by one of the characters on the show and I realized that it holds true for myself.

I viewed going into univ as the beginning of the rest of my life and even though I believe this is true, I constantly sabotage my own grades. I don't push myself hard enough to put in the amount of effort I know I need to. Of course, this has started a snowball effect in which the work just keeps piling up on me and I get more and more stressed out. And, believe me, my marks show it... they are extremely ugly as of this moment; I'm just trying to get average this semester and hopefully I can learn from my mistakes and improve next term.

This holds true for other aspects of my life as well. I end up saying stupid things and just not thinking through my actions very clearly. What I need to do is become more sympathetic to other people's needs and also be nicer to people. When I'm in a bad mood, some of my anger tends to leak out when I interact with others and nothing is accomplished except that I get more people mad at me.
I guess I've been a less than enjoyable person ever since univ started so I just wanna apologize to anyone who is nice enough to take the time out of their day to read my miserable blog. I've realized that the only people I talk to are the ones that have the same spares as me and the rest have been sorely neglected. Hopefully I can make it up during my christmas break which starts at 5pm dec 12.

Saturday, November 15, 2003

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be
Just like you

On my own, cause I can't take livin' with you
I'm alone, so I won't turn out like
You want me to

- Three Days Grace
So the stuff in italics are courses I'm registered in this year (thanks to Ada for getting me on the right track when I had no clue what I needed to take) and everything in the first list is required while the last four are recommended which I will most likely take unless I hear really bad things about them in the near future. I've already been warned about microbiology and biochemistry but what choice do I have? Hmm... I need some time to digest this info and contemplate whether I should try to do everything in two years or push it to three..
General Biology (with lab) - 2 terms
General Chemistry (with lab) - 2 terms
Physics (with lab) - 2 terms
Calculus - 1 term
Introductory Psychology - 1 term
English - 2 terms
Physiology (Human or Mammalian) - 2 terms
Introductory Ethics - 1 term
Organic Chemistry - 1 term
Microbiology - 1 term
Biochemistry - 1 term
Statistics - 1 term
Linear Algebra or Geometry or Trigonometry - 1 term

Genetics - 1 term
Immunology - 1 term
Virology - 1 term
Sociology - term

Friday, November 14, 2003

All the days bleed together which results in excrutiating pain at times. Is nothing sacred anymore? I use my weekend to study! My goal this weekend is to not watch bad tv except joe shmo which I have to tape for English class; I think I'll label the tape "the pinnacle of bad television: joe shmo" some stupid girl recommended the show but she doesn't know how to work her vcr, what the deuce is wrong with people? Anywho, I hope I get to go shopping this weekend just because I haven't really gone in quite a while. Hmm, I guess that's all I have to say since I am sorely disappointed in the world at the moment.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Good news guys, I got above average on my second organic midterm! Sweet! I also had a 101 midterm today... grr.... All in all, it's been a really long day. Massive headache from my organic lab (which I despise) in which I had to use ether, stay away from that stuff! Which reminds me, I was listening to the radio this morning and lost all faith in my generation. "Some kids were trying to spike the punch at a party with a bottle labeled alcohol. It turned out to be methanol."

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Well, I had a four day long weekend and I blew it. I know, I know. I've sang this song so many times I'll bet you all know the words. But I figured that tv is my weakness. I just keep watchin these crappy shows that distract me from my studies and I need to find a way to block out tv or something, I don't know.... I saw the matrix this weekend which I don't feel too badly about since I studied for 4 hours straight before going to see it. I just wish I would've done more on sat and sun..... but wishing won't make it so *sigh*. Anywho, revolutions was definitely a letdown in my eyes, but it depends on who you talk to because diff people liked the matrix trilogy for different reasons. Myself, I liked it for the philosophy "what is the matrix?" and also the martial arts so revolutions disappointed me... but if you're more into the effects maybe it'll live up. That's all for now!
Hello, hello. On this day, I hope we all take a little time to think about what we should be thinking every day: that our lives are the direct result of real heroes risking their lives for ours.

On a lighter note: wanna give a shoutout to francey who is the creator of my blogskin, just so we're clear you're the so called genius I was referring to.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Flander's Field

In Flanders Field the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders field.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders field.

John McCrae 1872 - 1918

Morning all. I just had the best sleep in quite a long while. I find that if I don't get enough sleep, which is what happens the entire week while I'm at sch, then I don't think clearly; it's as if I'm walking around just going through the motions. but not this weekend! I get a four day long weekend since univ fall break is mon. I wanna do somethin mon so places'll be less crowded 'cause a lotta ppl still have work/sch. So if anyone wants to hang out downtown/chinatown or west ed, lemme know. (Sunday is also an option.) Keep in mind I would really like to go shopping, see the matrix or kill bill.
It's disappointing that we live in a world that is so caught up in a rat race. My bio prof made an interesting comment at the end of today's class, "have a good long weekend and remember why you're getting a long weekend." To be perfectly honest, the thought hadn't really crossed my mind. All I was thinking was that I get four whole days off to study and sort of relax a bit... and I think that's horrible. "Lest we forget"
Why is it that the people you wanna see, you never run into but the people you'd much rather not talk to... those are the ones who seem to be everywhere. Is this the case or does it just seem this way?
Who wants to see the matrix? Leave a tag
Tonight was a sort of bitter sweet event. My mom put on a family dinner since my aunt who lives in new york is leaving early tomorrow morning. She cries every time.... I wasn't gonna cry till she started..

Friday, November 07, 2003

Hmm, the ging wu chinese new year banquet is on my bday this year. On my eighteenth bday to be exact. This kinda sucks since I am morally obligated to attend as well as perform. I had had hopes of becoming sijai this year but due partly to my lack of attendence I highly doubt that will be happening.... Perhaps next yr...
At first, my plan was to hit the bars at midnight but decided against it. Since Jan 17 is a sat this year, I thought it would be perfect but, alas, a conflict of interest has arisen. Oh well, it won't be all bad. I mean, there'll still be alchy just not in crazy amounts....

Thursday, November 06, 2003

I buckled down last night and got some quality cramming done, went to school early and skipped eng to get even more cramming in. I think it paid off 'cause when I was writing the exam, I actually kinda knew what I was doing. I'm assuming I'll get my mark back next thurs. It's out of my hands now. I feel fairly confident that this upcoming 4 day weekend will be sufficient for chem 101 studying. (Exam on wed.)

Also, I shall do something semi-interesting this weekend. Perhaps, see kill bill or matrix......
That's all for now!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Yet another waste of a weekend, if I fail another mid term it will, again, be all my fault. Why can't I work harder?!?!? What the fuck is wrong with me. I need to stop wallowing in my own pity.